Course image Advanced technologies in education (3D PRINT, VR, AI, DRONES & ROBOTICS)
Digital School

Objectives of the Course: To empower educators with a comprehensive understanding of advanced technologies, including AI, 3D printing, Virtual Reality, robotics, and drones in education. Participants will gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to integrate these cutting-edge tools into their teaching practices, fostering an innovative and dynamic learning environment that prepares students for the challenges of the future.

Specific objectives of the Course:

  • To understand the principles, applications, and potential impact of AI, 3D printing, Virtual Reality, robotics, and drones in education.
  • To operate 3D printers, program robots, design VR experiences, and fly drones.
  • To foster innovation and enhance the learning experience for their students across various subjects and educational levels.
  • To critically evaluate the ethical considerations associated with the use of emerging technologies in education.
  • To design and develop projects that showcase the integration of AI, 3D printing, Virtual Reality, robotics, or drones into educational settings.

Course image Collaborative Tools for Teamwork
Digital School

Objectives of the Course: 

The objective of the course is to train professionals, students and investigators in the effective managing of existing collaborative tools in the cloud applied to study, work and investigation. The course will give the participants the digital tools that will help them integrate Information and Communication Technologies in their fields of work and will improve their overall teamwork.

Competences of the Course:

·      To understand the concept of cloud computing and online collaborative work,

·      To know how to use communication tool to organize the work in a collaborative way,

·      To know how to organize and manage projects and task list in a team,

·      To know how to use collaborative office suit,

·      To know how to share and edit documents in the cloud,

·      To know how to work in real time with documentation with the rest of the team

Course image Creating Educational Blogs and Websites with WordPress
Digital School

Objective of the Course: 

The main objective of the course is to familiarize teachers with Wordpress as an educational tool in order to create blogs and websites to use them in class or as a support tool for their students to work at home.

Learning outcomes:

  • Participants will learn about the principles and the importance of creating and using of blogs and web pages in order to make the educational process more interesting.
  • Participants will be taught the critical aspects for a web project planning.
  • Participants will become familiar with WordPress blogging platform, which helps teachers to publish, update and maintain in real time course materials that are relevant for the students’ educational needs.
  • Participants will learn how to customise their blogs, as well as manage their own
  • content and share it with their partners.
  • Participants will learn how to provide the students with basic notions in relation to the developing trends of these platforms.
  • Participants will be able to integrate digital tools into daily work.

Course image Creation of Educational Video Games
Digital School

Objectives of the Course: 

The objective of the course is to help professionals, students, and teachers understand the fundamental ideas about computers and programming to create their own video games, which can be integrated into the educational process to increase the students´ interest and development.

Competences of the Course:

·         Basic knowledge of game logic

·         Creative thinking

·         Interface and logic programing

·         Creating and deploying multiplatform videogame

Course image European Opportunities for Digital Schools
Digital School

Educative european programmes are not known for everyone, but they are an excellent means to create networking and to develop new KA1 projects to promote learning mobilities of the educational staff.

Learning outcomes:

  • Participants will debate about their way of learning and the formal and informal context of school participating in European programmes and networking.
  • Participants will understand and actively organize the participation of schools in European programmes and networking, focusing on European programmes for schools, as Erasmus+.
  • Participants will be able to evaluate the Erasmus+ programme KA1 and they will also be introduced to tools that are helpful to manage projects and tasks,
  • Participants will be able to integrate digital and organizative tools into daily work.

Course image Flipped Classroom Methodology
Digital School

Objective of the course: 

The general objective of the course is to equip teachers and students alike with the basic tools necessary for implementing investment learning in their classroom. The course also seeks to underline the importance of creating a student-centered classroom by moving instruction home. Therefore, the course will focus on training personnel and teachers from educational centres in the use of digital tools to create engaging instructional videos and develop interactive, collaborative, hands-on classroom activities that foster self- directed learning skills.

Learning outcomes:

  • Participants will be enabled for the implementation of innovative teaching methods.
  • Participants will know the different tools for flipping section for additional ideas for in-class and out-of-class activities.
  • Participants will encourage the use of information technologies.
  • Participants will create a Flipped Classroom lesson plan.
  • Participants will use different tools to assess the teaching-learning process.
  • Participants will determine what type of out-of-class content to develop that would best support student learning.
  • Participants will be able to integrate digital tools into daily work.

Course image Learning and Teaching in Social Media Networks
Digital School

“Social networks are one of the most important and useful communication tools in this era, teachers need to learn how to use them correctly in an educational environment in order to engage and motivate students in their classes. You’ll realize the challenges  of online interactions through social networks, as well as their use as educational tools or as a way of communication with colleges”.


  • To know about the most popular social networks.

  • To differentiate between the different types of social networks.

  • To learn about the importance of social networks in our society.

  • To know how to use social networks as a source of knowledge.

  • To learn about social networks specialized for education.

  • To promote ICT teaching to boost the learning in the educational system.

Course image Multimedia Publishing in Education
Digital School

Objectives of the Course: 

The general objective of the course is to equip teachers and students alike with the basic tools necessary for multimedia publishing in today’s content driven online experience. The course also seeks to underline the importance of online communication and presentation, in order for the participants to understand the key points of creating compelling and engaging online content. Therefore the Course will focus training personnel and teachers from educational centres in the use of digital tools to be able to organise, create, edit, and share documents, information, supporting material in different multimedia formats for the students’ use in their training process and also for the teaching team.

Competences of the Course:

·         To create an audio-visual content

·         To know the process of publishing and distribution of the multimedia material

·         To know how to create and publish the multimedia material by using the blog as a channel

Course image Robotics for Educators and Education 4.0 Tools
Digital School

Objectives of the Course

The objective of the course is to familiarize teachers and trainers with the potential of Educational Robotics, as a discipline that allows to conceive, design and develop projects to initiate students in the technological sciences, offering the possibility of treating them from transversality.

Learning outcomes:

  • Participants will build and program educational robots using LEGO.
  • Participants will be able to teach and communicate the acquired knowledge.
  • Participants will know how to devise specific robotic projects relating the objectives to the specific learning needs and context.
  • Participants will be able to integrate digital tools into daily work.

Course image Safety and Security on the Internet for teachers
Digital School

Objectives of the Course:

The objective of the course is to familiarize teachers with the challenges of online interactions to make them able to teach students about the potential dangers that can be found in the virtual world. This course seeks to teach about the risks, and to equip teachers with good practices that can help avoid common problems.

Learning outcomes:

  • Participants will be familiarized with different kind of risks of the Internet divided in some categories related to information and its access, privacy, communication, economic activities, addictions or technical hazards.
  • Participants will be able to detect and face the unfair behavior on theInternet.
  • Participants will know how to help their students to assess the risks of publishing their information on their internet.
  • Participants will communicate in a safe way by using emails, social networks,etc.
  • Participants will be able to integrate digital tools into daily work.

Course image Virtual campus The E-Learning system
Digital School

The objective of the Course: 

The general objective of the course is to familiarize teachers with online learning platforms that are complementary to the standard teaching methods. During the course, participants will learn to structure a learning plan in a training platform by organizing its format, distributing activities, designing assignments and will help teachers to manage student records in an easy and transparent way for the benefit of both teachers and students.

Competence of the Course:

·      Understanding the values and usefulness the virtual campus

·      Participants will be able to complement the traditional teaching methods with advantages of e-learning platforms

·      Participants will strengthen their bond with the students through the use of online communication tools

·      To know how to optimize the delivery of content, resources and information related to the subject