Imagen del curso Strengthening the digital skills in adult education
Cursos en colaboración

Objectives of the Course:

  • Enhance digital literacy among adults, contributing to their full participation in the information society.
  • Help adults develop their digital skills and use ICT and social networks creatively.
  • Inspire participants to integrate technology creatively into educational settings, enhancing learning experiences and student engagement.
  • Provide participants with a foundational understanding of coding and programming, empowering them to create simple digital projects and explore problem-solving through technology.

Cursos en colaboración

General Objective: To provide participants with the necessary language skills and knowledge to effectively communicate in English at a basic level in a variety of workplace settings.

Specifically, the course aims to:

  1. To develop learners' listening and speaking skills in English, focusing on basic vocabulary and grammar structures relevant to workplace communication.
  2. To enhance learners' reading and writing abilities in English, with a focus on understanding and producing simple texts related to workplace situations.
  3. To improve learners' understanding of English grammar rules and their ability to apply them in practical communication situations.
  4. To help learners build confidence in using English in various professional contexts, such as giving presentations, participating in meetings, writing emails, and engaging in social interactions with colleagues and clients.
  5. To foster learners' awareness of cultural differences in English-speaking countries and their impact on workplace communication.
  6. To provide learners with opportunities to practice their language skills through interactive activities and assignments, including role-playing, group discussions, and written assignments.
  7. To equip learners with strategies and resources for independent language learning and ongoing language development beyond the course.

By the end of the course, learners should be able to communicate effectively in basic workplace situations, understand simple workplace texts, and continue to develop their language skills independently.

Imagen del curso PTC CREO
Cursos en colaboración


Elaborar proyectos de diseño para modelado mecánico de sólidos con la herramienta PTC Creo Parametic, posicionada como una de las más importantes a escala internacional para este fin.


Diseñar y modelar piezas y ensamblajes en 3D y planos en 2D con el software CAD (diseño asistido por ordenador) PTC Creo Parametric, sin necesidad de conocimiento previo sobre la materia.

Tras la participación en este curso de formación, los/as participantes estarán en disposición de...

  • Dominar la interfaz de usuario de PTC Creo Parametric.
  • Crear piezas desde cero.
  • Interpretar el árbol del modelo.
  • Aplicar operaciones básicas para generar geometrías.
  • Crear geometría auxiliar (planos, puntos rectas).
  • Subir la geometría al módulo de realidad aumentada.
  • Modificar los formatos de la geometría para utilizarlos en diferentes entornos de producción.
  • Montar las piezas en conjuntos.


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