Imagen del curso Innovative practices in the Digital Era: Teaching Cultural Heritage Using Digital Tools
Learning, Teaching, Training Activities (KA2 projects)

The aim of this course is to develop digital skills and competences of teachers, students, parents and educational institutions through the use of digital tools that allow them to create innovative resources that favour the teaching of cultural heritage, promoting aspects such as creativity, motivation and dynamism.

Imagen del curso Digital Diversity and Inclusion in the Workspace
Learning, Teaching, Training Activities (KA2 projects)

The objective of the course is to promote Web 2.0 and 3.0 tools to enhance communication and feedback in online professional environments in the youth field, according to social sustainability standards and inclusive strategic vision. The participants will learn how to manage projects and tasks in the aforementioned tools and environments, generating impactful and significant outputs.

Imagen del curso NTTE ERASMUS+ PROJECT (2020-1-UK01-KA204-078882)
Learning, Teaching, Training Activities (KA2 projects)

New technologies help people 65+ find easier a job, get online training, obtain new skills. For their leisure time and hobbies social media provide opportunities for making friends, attending cultural/sports events, sharing photos, videos, etc. But all those digital devices can threat seniors if they do not have main rules set for usage.

Imagen del curso C1 COPILOTS- Introduction to WEB 2.0 and its tools.
Learning, Teaching, Training Activities (KA2 projects)

“Bring your team together with the latest technologies for collaborative and remote work. Improve the quality of interrelationship partnerships in your organization by using real-time cloud-based office and communication tools. Involvement shouldn’t be understood only from its associative consideration, since it must include multiple kinds of interpersonal possibilities”.

  • Project's Code: 2019-1-TR01-KA201-074890
  • Venue: Online
  • Dates: 15/03/2021- 19/03/2021
  • Duration: 5 days courses, 10 hours during the afternoon, from 17:00 CET to 19:00 CET

Objectives of the Course: To train teachers in a wide variety of Web 2.0 tools and how to integrate them into their daily work.

Specific objectives of the Course:

  • To know the concept of Web 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 and some respective tools for each one.
  • To create participative environments, introducing the digital plan and skills necessary for their implementation.
  • To solve real problems using Web 2.0 tools.
  • To promote ICT teaching to boost learning in the educational system.

Imagen del curso C1 DISABILITY YOUTH WORKER: Digital Enterprise Workshop
Learning, Teaching, Training Activities (KA2 projects)

Objectives of the Course: The objective of the course is to increase the opportunities of disabled people in the labour market through the development of digital skills, communication and language. 

Learning outcomes: By the end of the session the learner should be able to:  • Create a profile in any social network • Promote their personal brand in an efficient way • Get advantage of understanding the links between different social networks • Manage the concept of digital identity  • Know the basic issues of interpersonal communication • Manage effective communication with the environment • Plan their own developments

Imagen del curso C3 Developing with APP Inventor, Arduino Projects.
Learning, Teaching, Training Activities (KA2 projects)

Project: Code Your Future (Erasmus+).

The main objective of the course is to help educational staff, students and teachers understand the fundamental ideas about computers and programming, and develop some basic problem-solving and project design skills. It will also help teachers to integrate basic programming instruments into their educational process in order to increase the students’ versatility when it comes to creative ways in which they can approach real-life problems.

Imagen del curso CURSO Erasmus+: “DIGA Learning Programme: ICT for Academy”
Learning, Teaching, Training Activities (KA2 projects)

Desde Inercia Digital y en colaboración de la Universidad de Huelva ofrecemos este curso, en cooperación con el Proyecto Europeo Digital Innovations for Growth Academy  (DIGA), para invitar a aquellos formadores del área empresarial, investigadores y educadores interesados en el uso de las TICs a seguir profundizando en sus conocimientos y habilidades digitales.

Imagen del curso Introduction to coding and robotics, gamification as a teaching- learning method
Learning, Teaching, Training Activities (KA2 projects)

“Programming is not an exclusive tool for the engineers anymore! Learn how a computer program works and how to create them with your students using visual coding”


Program: 2019-1-RO01-KA201-063919

Venue: El Rompido School

Address: Candilejas, 2. 21459 El Rompido, Cartaya, Huelva (Spain).

Dates: 17/02/2020 - 21/02/2020

Duration: 5 days courses (35 hours). According to the Flipped Classroom methodology, it will take 20 presential hours (during the morning, from 9:00 to 13:00), and 15 hours of self-learning out of this time slot.

Special instructions: 100% presence is required.

Preliminary requirements: An A1 level (newcomer) in all of the Digcompedu

Framework competences (Certification not needed)

Imagen del curso Management Manual for non-formal education and training services
Learning, Teaching, Training Activities (KA2 projects)

The course is divided into the next parts: 

- Introduction.

- Part I: In the first part you will find general theoretical guidelines for the management of the organization and the training process.  

              - Structure and management. 

              - Organizational structure.

              - Manager - Activities 

- Part II: The second part contains practical guidelines, based on the requirements of ISO 29990:2010. 

- Annexes contain procedures, forms and guidance documents which in their completeness present a management system compliant with the requirements of ISO 29990:2010.

Imagen del curso QUASER - Transparent qualifications for boosting the quality of services addressed to asylum seekers and refugees
Learning, Teaching, Training Activities (KA2 projects)

QUASER – “Transparent qualifications for boosting the quality of services addressed to asylum seekers and refugees” is a project co-funded by the European Commission, under Erasmus + Programme/ Key Action 2 Startegic Partnership.


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