Opciones de matriculación

Imagen del curso Tools supporting Educational Innovation
Entrepreneurial School

Objectives of the Course: 

The objective of the course is to establish dynamics that guide educational innovation by defining actions that allow the educational institutions development, enabling an organisational climate of entrepreneurial potentials.

Learning outcomes:

  • Participants will be able to use their knowledge and understanding of the context to judge the importance of educational innovation processes.
  • Participants will assess the educational quality under innovative and entrepreneurial parameters.
  • Participants will know how to communicate their actions to break personal, institutional or social impediments to educational innovation.
  • Participants will identify and match strategic educational objectives with innovative procedures to achieve them.
  • Participants will be able to apply an innovative or entrepreneurial process in education being conscients and safeguarding procedures and methods of cultural identification.
  • Participants will be able to add innovative tools into daily work.

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